First of all, thank you everyone, for your comments on my tiles last week. It is always appreciate, and I love constructive makes us stronger.
Well, the Diva has given us a challenge to do a string with our eyes closed. I don't normally do strings anyway, since most of what I do is mostly ZIA rather than Zentangle, at least in my mind. Anyway, I forgot to take pictures of my string and I'm still working on one that my son did for me, so I'll likely post that one next week. But here are the two that I actually did.....the first one I didn't really like until I did some shading on it and I decided it was ok. The second one I was finishing up last night (late!) and my son and I managed to get on a laughing kick .... you know, the kind where all you have to do is look at each other and you can't stop laughing? Well, we were having a cup of coffee at the time and as you can no doubt see, we managed to spray coffee all over the tangle I was working on. I kind of liked where it was heading, so I finished it up today, coffee and all (tangle #2). Anyway, here they are!
Challenge #187 ~Blind String 1 |
I rather liked this one once I shaded it, and I didn't even make too many mistakes, but I did manage to have to use Bronx Cheer (I had never tried it before). I don't know for sure the tangles I used in this, but They seemed to work ok.
And here, in all the coffee soaked glory, is tile #2
Challenge #187 ~ Blind String #2
I kind of like this one too, but I need more practice with strings, I can see that. Anyway, here they are and as always, any comments are always appreciated. Now I'm off to check out the other tiles submitted this week. You can find them
here, on the Diva's blog. Why don't you enter the challenge too?